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Lesson Plans

See what we are working on in class.

Temas que estamos trabajando en clase.

1st Quarter


Phonics Skills: short vowels, double final consonants, verb endings (-s, -ed, -ing), initial digraphs (ch-, sh-, th-, wh-), final diagraphs (-ch, -tch, -sh, -th).

Parts of Speech: nouns and verbs. 

Sight words for Quarter 1: see list in student's binder. 


Vocabulary: Colors, Letters, vowels, classroom supplies, weather, and professions. 

Open syllables: m, p, s, t, c (ca, co, cu), n, l, f. 

Part of Speech: sentence structure, nouns, verbs, and adjectives. 

Sight Words for Quarter 1: see list in students´ binders.

Math / Matemáticas

Operations & Algebraic Thinking: Story problems, understanding the equal sign (true/false equations).

Numbers & Operations in Base Ten: Read, write, and represent numbers up to 50, tens & ones. 

Geometry: 2-dimensional shapes. 

2nd Quarter


Phonics Skills:

  • r blends (br, cr, dr, fr, gr, tr)

  • l blends (bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl)

  • s blends (sc, sl, sp, st, sw, scr, spl, spr, str)

  • final blends (-nt, -lk, -ng, -nk, -nd, -st, -sk)  

  • long vowels (with silent "e") 

Parts of Speech: nouns, verbs, pronouns, singular and plural nouns with matching verbs, adjectives. 

Sight words for Quarter 2: see list in student's binder. 


Vocabulary: Fruits, vegetables, animals, music instruments.

Open syllables: r, rr, g (ga, go, gu), ch, ñ, ll.

Part of Speech: pronouns, punctuation, verbs (tener / ser), nouns. 

Sight Words for Quarter 2: see list in students´ binders.

Math / Matemáticas

Operations & Algebraic Thinking: 

  • Story problems

  • Understand subtraction as an unknown addend problem (10 - ___ =2), 

  • Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency within 10,  

  • Fact Families (2 +5 = 7, 5 +2 = 7, 7 - 2 = 5, 7 - 5 = 2) 

  • Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating three whole numbers. (balancing equations: 3 + 6 = 12 - ___ )

Numbers & Operations in Base Ten: Read, write, and represent numbers up to 100, tens & ones. 

Measurement & Data: tell time and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks, ​Data (graphing with questions)

3rd Quarter


Phonics Skills:

  • Vowel teams (ai, ay, oa, ow, ie, igh, ew, ue, oo)

  • R-controlled vowels (ar,er, ir, or, ur) 

Parts of Speech: conjunctions, determiners, articles, adjectives, commas. 

Sight words for Quarter 3:  See list in student's binder. 


Vocabulary: Food, sea animals, party supplies, face parts.

Open syllables: c (ce, ci), g (ge, gi, güi, güe, gui, gue), q (que, qui), z, h, k, x.

Part of Speech: proper nouns, verbs (estar / ser), adjectives, nouns, type of sentences.

Sight Words for Quarter 3: see list in students´ binders.

Math / Matemáticas

Operations & Algebraic Thinking: word problems that add 3 numbers, understand the meaning of the equal sign (true/false), determining the unknown number in an equation (balancing equations) 

Numbers & Operations in Base Ten: Read, write, and represent numbers up to 100, tens & ones. Compare numbers using the symbols (<, >, =), mentally find 10 more/ 10 less than a number, add/subtract multiples of 10. 

Measurement & Data: Order three objects by length, measure items using non-standard units, tell time to the hour and half-hour, elapsed time. 


4th Quarter


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